1 module ggplotd.ggplotd;
3 import cconfig = cairo.c.config;
4 import cpdf = cairo.pdf;
5 import csvg = cairo.svg;
6 import cairo = cairo;
8 import ggplotd.colour;
9 import ggplotd.geom : Geom;
10 import ggplotd.bounds : Bounds;
11 import ggplotd.colourspace : RGBA;
13 version (unittest)
14 {
15     import dunit.toolkit;
16 }
18 /// delegate that takes a Title struct and returns a changed Title struct
19 alias TitleFunction = Title delegate(Title);
21 /// Currently only holds the title. In the future could also be used to store details on location etc.
22 struct Title
23 {
24     /// The actual title
25     string[] title;
26 }
28 /**
29 Draw the title
31 Examples:
32 --------------------
33 GGPlotD().put( title( "My title" ) );
34 --------------------
35 */
36 TitleFunction title( string title )
37 {
38     return delegate(Title t) { t.title = [title]; return t; };
39 }
41 /**
42 Draw the multiline title
44 Examples:
45 --------------------
46 GGPlotD().put( title( ["My title line1", "line2", "line3"] ) );
47 --------------------
48 */
49 TitleFunction title( string[] title )
50 {
51     return delegate(Title t) { t.title = title; return t; };
52 }
54 private auto createEmptySurface( string fname, int width, int height,
55     RGBA colour )
56 {
57     cairo.Surface surface;
59     static if (cconfig.CAIRO_HAS_PDF_SURFACE)
60         {
61         if (fname[$ - 3 .. $] == "pdf")
62             {
63             surface = new cpdf.PDFSurface(fname, width, height);
64         }
65     }
66     else
67         {
68         if (fname[$ - 3 .. $] == "pdf")
69             assert(0, "PDF support not enabled by cairoD");
70     }
71     static if (cconfig.CAIRO_HAS_SVG_SURFACE)
72         {
73         if (fname[$ - 3 .. $] == "svg")
74             {
75             surface = new csvg.SVGSurface(fname, width, height);
76         }
77     }
78     else
79     {
80         if (fname[$ - 3 .. $] == "svg")
81             assert(0, "SVG support not enabled by cairoD");
82     }
83     if (fname[$ - 3 .. $] == "png")
84     {
85         surface = new cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.CAIRO_FORMAT_ARGB32, width, height);
86     }
88     import ggplotd.colourspace : toCairoRGBA;
89     auto backcontext = cairo.Context(surface);
90     backcontext.setSourceRGBA(colour.toCairoRGBA);
91     backcontext.paint;
93     return surface;
94 }
96 ///
97 private auto drawTitle( in Title title, ref cairo.Surface surface,
98     in Margins margins, int width )
99 {
100     auto context = cairo.Context(surface);
101     context.setFontSize(16.0);
102     context.moveTo( width/2, margins.top/2 );
104     auto f = context.fontExtents();
105     foreach(t; title.title)
106     {
107         auto e = context.textExtents(t);
108         context.relMoveTo( -e.width/2, 0 );
109         context.showText(t);
110         context.relMoveTo( -e.width/2, f.height );
111     }
113     return surface;
114 }
116 import ggplotd.scale : ScaleType;
117 import ggplotd.guide : GuideToDoubleFunction, GuideToColourFunction;
118 private auto drawGeom( in Geom geom, ref cairo.Surface surface,
119      in GuideToDoubleFunction xFunc, in GuideToDoubleFunction yFunc,
120      in GuideToColourFunction cFunc, in GuideToDoubleFunction sFunc,
121      in ScaleType scaleFunction,
122      in Bounds bounds,
123      in Margins margins, int width, int height )
124 {
125     if (geom.draw.isNull)
126         return surface;
127     cairo.Context context;
128     if (geom.mask) {
129         auto plotSurface = cairo.Surface.createForRectangle(surface,
130             cairo.Rectangle!double(margins.left, margins.top,
131             width - (margins.left+margins.right),
132             height - (margins.top+margins.bottom)));
133         context = cairo.Context(plotSurface);
134     } else {
135         context = cairo.Context(surface);
136         context.translate(margins.left, margins.top);
137     }
138     import std.conv : to;
139     context = scaleFunction(context, bounds,
140         width.to!double - (margins.left+margins.right),
141         height.to!double - (margins.top+margins.bottom));
142     context = geom.draw.get()(context, xFunc, yFunc, cFunc, sFunc);
143     return surface;
144 }
146 /// Specify margins in number of pixels
147 struct Margins
148 {
149     /// Create new Margins object based on old one
150     this(in Margins copy) {
151         this(copy.left, copy.right, copy.bottom, copy.top);
152     }
154     /// Create new Margins object based on specified sizes
155     this(in size_t l, in size_t r, in size_t b, in size_t t) {
156         left = l;
157         right = r;
158         bottom = b;
159         top = t;
160     }
162     /// left margin
163     size_t left = 50;
164     /// right margin
165     size_t right = 20;
166     /// bottom margin
167     size_t bottom = 50;
168     /// top margin
169     size_t top = 40;
170 }
172 Margins defaultMargins(int size1, int size2)
173 {
174     import std.conv : to;
175     Margins margins;
176     auto scale = defaultScaling(size1, size2);
177     margins.left = (margins.left*scale).to!size_t;
178     margins.right = (margins.right*scale).to!size_t;
179     margins.top = (margins.top*scale).to!size_t;
180     margins.bottom = (margins.bottom*scale).to!size_t;
181     return margins;
182 }
184 private auto defaultScaling( int size )
185 {
186     if (size > 500)
187         return 1;
188     if (size < 100)
189         return 0.6;
190     return 0.6+(1.0-0.6)*(size-100)/(500-100);
191 }
193 private auto defaultScaling( int size1, int size2 )
194 {
195     return (defaultScaling(size1) + defaultScaling(size2))/2.0;
196 }
198 unittest
199 {
200     assertEqual(defaultScaling(50), 0.6);
201     assertEqual(defaultScaling(600), 1.0);
202     assertEqual(defaultScaling(100), 0.6);
203     assertEqual(defaultScaling(500), 1.0);
204     assertEqual(defaultScaling(300), 0.8);
205 }
207 /// GGPlotD contains the needed information to create a plot
208 struct GGPlotD
209 {
210     import ggplotd.bounds : height, width;
211     import ggplotd.colour : ColourGradientFunction;
212     import ggplotd.scale : ScaleType;
214     /**
215     Draw the plot to a cairoD cairo surface.
217     Params:
218         surface = Surface object of type cairo.Surface from cairoD library, on top of which this plot is drawn.
219         width = Width of the given surface.
220         height = Height of the given surface.
222     Returns:
223         Resulting surface of the same type as input surface, with this plot drawn on top of it.
224     */
225     ref cairo.Surface drawToSurface(ref return cairo.Surface surface, int width, int height ) const
226     {
227         import std.range : empty, front;
228         import std.typecons : Tuple;
230         import ggplotd.bounds : AdaptiveBounds;
231         import ggplotd.guide : GuideStore;
233         Tuple!(double, string)[] xAxisTicks;
234         Tuple!(double, string)[] yAxisTicks;
236         GuideStore!"x" xStore;
237         GuideStore!"y" yStore;
238         GuideStore!"colour" colourStore;
239         GuideStore!"size" sizeStore;
241         foreach (geom; geomRange.data)
242         {
243             xStore.put(geom.xStore);
244             yStore.put(geom.yStore);
245             colourStore.put(geom.colourStore);
246             sizeStore.put(geom.sizeStore);
247         }
249         // Set scaling
250         import ggplotd.guide : guideFunction;
251         import ggplotd.scale : applyScaleFunction, applyScale;
252         auto xFunc = guideFunction(xStore);
253         auto yFunc = guideFunction(yStore);
254         auto cFunc = guideFunction(colourStore, this.colourGradient());
255         auto sFunc = guideFunction(sizeStore);
256         foreach (scale; scaleFunctions)
257             scale.applyScaleFunction(xFunc, yFunc, cFunc, sFunc);
259         AdaptiveBounds bounds;
260         bounds = bounds.applyScale(xFunc, xStore, yFunc, yStore);
262         import std.algorithm : map;
263         import std.array : array;
264         import std.typecons : tuple;
265         if (xStore.hasDiscrete)
266             xAxisTicks = xStore
267                 .storeHash
268                 .byKeyValue()
269                 .map!((kv) => tuple(xFunc(kv.value), kv.key))
270                 .array;
271         if (yStore.hasDiscrete)
272             yAxisTicks = yStore
273                 .storeHash
274                 .byKeyValue()
275                 .map!((kv) => tuple(yFunc(kv.value), kv.key))
276                 .array;
278         // Axis
279         import std.algorithm : sort, uniq, min, max;
280         import std.range : chain;
281         import std.array : array;
283         import ggplotd.axes : initialized, axisAes;
285         // TODO move this out of here and add some tests
286         // If ticks are provided then we make sure the bounds include them
287         auto xSortedTicks = xAxisTicks.sort().uniq.array;
288         if (!xSortedTicks.empty)
289         {
290             bounds.min_x = min( bounds.min_x, xSortedTicks[0][0] );
291             bounds.max_x = max( bounds.max_x, xSortedTicks[$-1][0] );
292         }
293         if (initialized(xaxis))
294         {
295             bounds.min_x = xaxis.min;
296             bounds.max_x = xaxis.max;
297         }
299         // This needs to happen before the offset of x axis is set
300         auto ySortedTicks = yAxisTicks.sort().uniq.array;
301         if (!ySortedTicks.empty)
302         {
303             bounds.min_y = min( bounds.min_y, ySortedTicks[0][0] );
304             bounds.max_y = max( bounds.max_y, ySortedTicks[$-1][0] );
305         }
306         if (initialized(yaxis))
307         {
308             bounds.min_y = yaxis.min;
309             bounds.max_y = yaxis.max;
310         }
312         import std.math : isNaN;
313         auto offset = bounds.min_y;
314         if (!isNaN(xaxis.offset))
315             offset = xaxis.offset;
316         if (!xaxis.show) // Trixk to draw the axis off screen if it is hidden
317             offset = yaxis.min - bounds.height;
319         // TODO: Should really take separate scaling for number of ticks (defaultScaling(width))
320         // and for font: defaultScaling(widht, height)
321         auto aesX = axisAes("x", bounds.min_x, bounds.max_x, offset, defaultScaling(width, height),
322             xSortedTicks );
324         offset = bounds.min_x;
325         if (!isNaN(yaxis.offset))
326             offset = yaxis.offset;
327         if (!yaxis.show) // Trixk to draw the axis off screen if it is hidden
328             offset = xaxis.min - bounds.width;
329         auto aesY = axisAes("y", bounds.min_y, bounds.max_y, offset, defaultScaling(height, width),
330             ySortedTicks );
332         import ggplotd.geom : geomAxis;
333         import ggplotd.axes : tickLength;
335         auto currentMargins = margins(width, height);
337         auto gR = chain(
338                 geomAxis(aesX,
339                     bounds.height.tickLength(height - currentMargins.bottom - currentMargins.top,
340                         defaultScaling(width), defaultScaling(height)),
341 						xaxis.label, xaxis.textAngle),
342                 geomAxis(aesY,
343                     bounds.width.tickLength(width - currentMargins.left - currentMargins.right,
344                         defaultScaling(width), defaultScaling(height)),
345 						yaxis.label, yaxis.textAngle),
346             );
347         auto plotMargins = Margins(currentMargins);
348         if (!legends.empty)
349             plotMargins.right += legends[0].width;
351         foreach (geom; chain(geomRange.data, gR) )
352         {
353             surface = geom.drawGeom( surface,
354                 xFunc, yFunc, cFunc, sFunc,
355                 scale(), bounds,
356                 plotMargins, width, height );
357         }
359         // Plot title
360         surface = title.drawTitle( surface, currentMargins, width );
362         import std.range : iota, zip, dropOne;
363         foreach(ly; zip(legends, iota(0.0, height, height/(legends.length+1.0)).dropOne))
364         {
365             auto legend = ly[0];
366             auto y = ly[1] - legend.height*.5;
367             if (legend.type == "continuous") {
368                 import ggplotd.legend : drawContinuousLegend;
369                 auto legendSurface = cairo.Surface.createForRectangle(surface,
370                     cairo.Rectangle!double(width - currentMargins.right - legend.width,
371                     y, legend.width, legend.height ));//margins.right, margins.right));
372                 legendSurface = drawContinuousLegend( legendSurface,
373                 legend.width, legend.height,
374                     colourStore, this.colourGradient );
375             } else if (legend.type == "discrete") {
376                 import ggplotd.legend : drawDiscreteLegend;
377                 auto legendSurface = cairo.Surface.createForRectangle(surface,
378                     cairo.Rectangle!double(width - currentMargins.right - legend.width,
379                     y, legend.width, legend.height ));//margins.right, margins.right));
380                 legendSurface = drawDiscreteLegend( legendSurface,
381                 legend.width, legend.height,
382                     colourStore, this.colourGradient );
383             }
384         }
386         return surface;
387     }
389     version(ggplotdGTK)
390     {
391         import gtkdSurface = cairo.Surface; // cairo surface module in GtkD package.
393         /**
394         Draw the plot to a GtkD cairo surface.
396         Params:
397             surface = Surface object of type cairo.Surface from GtkD library, on top of which this plot is drawn.
398             width = Width of the given surface.
399             height = Height of the given surface.
401         Returns:
402             Resulting surface of the same type as input surface, with this plot drawn on top of it.
403         */
404         auto drawToSurface( ref gtkdSurface.Surface surface, int width, int height ) const
405         {
406             import gtkc = gtkc.cairotypes;
407             import cairod = cairo.c.cairo;
409             alias gtkd_surface_t = gtkc.cairo_surface_t;
410             alias cairod_surface_t = cairod.cairo_surface_t;
412             cairo.Surface cairodSurface = new cairo.Surface(cast(cairod_surface_t*)surface.getSurfaceStruct());
413             drawToSurface(cairodSurface, width, height);
415             return surface;
416         }
417     }
419     /// save the plot to a file
420     void save( string fname, int width = 470, int height = 470 ) const
421     {
422         bool pngWrite = false;
423         auto surface = createEmptySurface( fname, width, height,
424             theme.backgroundColour );
426         surface = drawToSurface( surface, width, height );
428         if (fname[$ - 3 .. $] == "png")
429         {
430             pngWrite = true;
431         }
433         if (pngWrite)
434             (cast(cairo.ImageSurface)(surface)).writeToPNG(fname);
435     }
437     /// Using + to extend the plot for compatibility to ggplot2 in R
438     ref GGPlotD opBinary(string op, T)(T rhs) if (op == "+")
439     {
440         import ggplotd.axes : XAxisFunction, YAxisFunction;
441         import ggplotd.colour : ColourGradientFunction;
442         static if (is(ElementType!T==Geom))
443         {
444             geomRange.put( rhs );
445         }
446         static if (is(T==ScaleType))
447         {
448             scaleFunction = rhs;
449         }
450         static if (is(T==XAxisFunction))
451         {
452             xaxis = rhs( xaxis );
453         }
454         static if (is(T==YAxisFunction))
455         {
456             yaxis = rhs( yaxis );
457         }
458         static if (is(T==TitleFunction))
459         {
460             title = rhs( title );
461         }
462         static if (is(T==ThemeFunction))
463         {
464             theme = rhs( theme );
465         }
466         static if (is(T==Margins))
467         {
468             _margins = rhs;
469         }
470         static if (is(T==Legend))
471         {
472             legends ~= rhs;
473         }
474         static if (is(T==ColourGradientFunction)) {
475             colourGradientFunction = rhs;
476         }
477         static if (is(T==ScaleFunction)) {
478             scaleFunctions ~= rhs;
479         }
480         return this;
481     }
482 /// put/add to the plot
483     ref GGPlotD put(T)(T rhs)
484     {
485         return this.opBinary!("+", T)(rhs);
486     }
488     /// Active scale
489     ScaleType scale() const
490     {
491         import ggplotd.scale : defaultScale = scale;
492         // Return active function or the default
493         if (!scaleFunction.isNull)
494             return scaleFunction.get();
495         else
496             return defaultScale();
497     }
499     /// Active colourGradient
500     ColourGradientFunction colourGradient() const
501     {
502         import ggplotd.colour : defaultColourGradient = colourGradient;
503         import ggplotd.colourspace : HCY;
504         if (!colourGradientFunction.isNull)
505             return colourGradientFunction.get();
506         else
507             return defaultColourGradient!HCY("");
508     }
510     /// Active margins
511     Margins margins(int width, int height) const
512     {
513         if (!_margins.isNull)
514             return _margins.get();
515         else
516             return defaultMargins(width, height);
517     }
519 private:
520     import std.range : Appender;
521     import ggplotd.theme : Theme, ThemeFunction;
522     import ggplotd.legend : Legend;
523     Appender!(Geom[]) geomRange;
525     import ggplotd.scale : ScaleFunction;
526     ScaleFunction[] scaleFunctions;
528     import ggplotd.axes : XAxis, YAxis;
529     XAxis xaxis;
530     YAxis yaxis;
533     Title title;
534     Theme theme;
536     import std.typecons : Nullable;
537     Nullable!(Margins) _margins;
538     Nullable!(ScaleType) scaleFunction;
539     Nullable!(ColourGradientFunction) colourGradientFunction;
541     Legend[] legends;
542 }
544 unittest
545 {
546     import std.range : zip;
547     import std.algorithm : map;
548     import ggplotd.geom;
549     import ggplotd.aes;
551     const win_width = 1024;
552     const win_height = 1024;
554     const radius = 400.;
557     auto gg = GGPlotD();
558     gg = zip([ 0, radius*0.45 ], [ 0, radius*0.45])
559         .map!((a) => aes!("x","y")(a[0], a[1]))
560         .geomLine.putIn(gg);
561     gg = zip([ 300, radius*0.45 ], [ 210, radius*0.45])
562         .map!((a) => aes!("x","y")(a[0], a[1]))
563         .geomLine.putIn(gg);
565     import ggplotd.theme : Theme, ThemeFunction;
566     Theme theme;
568     auto surface = createEmptySurface( "test.png", win_width, win_height,
569         theme.backgroundColour );
571     auto dim = gg.geomRange.data.length;
572     surface = gg.drawToSurface( surface, win_width, win_height );
573     assertEqual( dim, gg.geomRange.data.length );
574     surface = gg.drawToSurface( surface, win_width, win_height );
575     assertEqual( dim, gg.geomRange.data.length );
576     surface = gg.drawToSurface( surface, win_width, win_height );
577     assertEqual( dim, gg.geomRange.data.length );
578 }
580 version(ggplotdGTK)
581 {
582     unittest
583     {
584         import std.range : zip;
585         import std.algorithm : map;
586         // Draw same plot on cairod.ImageSurface, and on gtkd.cairo.ImageSurface,
587         // and prove resulting images are the same.
589         import ggplotd.geom;
590         import ggplotd.aes;
592         import gtkSurface = cairo.Surface;
593         import gtkImageSurface = cairo.ImageSurface;
594         import gtkCairoTypes = gtkc.cairotypes;
596         const win_width = 1024;
597         const win_height = 1024;
599         const radius = 400.;
601         auto gg = GGPlotD();
602         gg = zip([ 0, radius*0.45 ], [ 0, radius*0.45])
603             .map!((a) => aes!("x","y")(a[0], a[1]))
604             .geomLine.putIn(gg);
605         gg = zip([ 300, radius*0.45 ], [ 210, radius*0.45])
606             .map!((a) => aes!("x","y")(a[0], a[1]))
607             .geomLine.putIn(gg);
609         cairo.Surface cairodSurface =
610             new cairo.ImageSurface(cairo.Format.CAIRO_FORMAT_RGB24, win_width, win_height);
611         gtkSurface.Surface gtkdSurface =
612             gtkImageSurface.ImageSurface.create(gtkCairoTypes.cairo_format_t.RGB24,
613                 win_width, win_height);
615         auto cairodImageSurface = cast(cairo.ImageSurface)cairodSurface;
616         auto gtkdImageSurface = cast(gtkImageSurface.ImageSurface)gtkdSurface;
618         gg.drawToSurface(cairodSurface, win_width, win_height);
619         gg.drawToSurface(gtkdSurface, win_width, win_height);
621         auto byteSize = win_width*win_height*4;
623         assertEqual(cairodImageSurface.getData()[0..byteSize],
624             gtkdImageSurface.getData()[0..byteSize]);
625     }
626 }
628 unittest
629 {
630     import ggplotd.axes : yaxisLabel, yaxisRange;
631     auto gg = GGPlotD()
632         .put( yaxisLabel( "My ylabel" ) )
633         .put( yaxisRange( 0, 2.0 ) );
634     assertEqual( gg.yaxis.max, 2.0 );
635     assertEqual( gg.yaxis.label, "My ylabel" );
637     gg = GGPlotD();
638     gg.put( yaxisLabel( "My ylabel" ) )
639         .put( yaxisRange( 0, 2.0 ) );
640     assertEqual( gg.yaxis.max, 2.0 );
641     assertEqual( gg.yaxis.label, "My ylabel" );
642 }
645 ///
646 unittest
647 {
648     import std.range : zip;
649     import std.algorithm : map;
651     import ggplotd.aes : aes;
652     import ggplotd.geom : geomLine;
653     import ggplotd.scale : scale;
654     auto gg = zip(["a", "b", "c", "b"], ["x", "y", "y", "x"], ["b", "b", "b", "b"])
655         .map!((a) => aes!("x", "y", "colour")(a[0], a[1], a[2]))
656         .geomLine
657         .putIn(GGPlotD());
658     gg + scale();
659     gg.save( "test6.png");
660 }
662 ///
663 unittest
664 {
665     // http://blackedder.github.io/ggplotd/images/noise.png
666     import std.array : array;
667     import std.math : sqrt;
668     import std.algorithm : map;
669     import std.range : zip, iota;
670     import std.random : uniform;
672     import ggplotd.aes : aes;
673     import ggplotd.geom : geomLine, geomPoint;
674     // Generate some noisy data with reducing width
675     auto f = (double x) { return x/(1+x); };
676     auto width = (double x) { return sqrt(0.1/(1+x)); };
677     auto xs = iota( 0, 10, 0.1 ).array;
679     auto ysfit = xs.map!((x) => f(x));
680     auto ysnoise = xs.map!((x) => f(x) + uniform(-width(x),width(x))).array;
682     auto gg = xs.zip(ysnoise)
683         .map!((a) => aes!("x", "y", "colour")(a[0], a[1], "a"))
684         .geomPoint
685         .putIn(GGPlotD());
687     gg = xs.zip(ysfit).map!((a) => aes!("x", "y")(a[0], a[1])).geomLine.putIn(gg);
689     //
690     auto ys2fit = xs.map!((x) => 1-f(x));
691     auto ys2noise = xs.map!((x) => 1-f(x) + uniform(-width(x),width(x))).array;
693     gg = xs.zip(ys2fit).map!((a) => aes!("x", "y")(a[0], a[1]))
694         .geomLine
695         .putIn(gg);
696     gg = xs.zip(ys2noise)
697         .map!((a) => aes!("x", "y", "colour")(a[0], a[1], "b"))
698         .geomPoint
699         .putIn(gg);
701     gg.save( "noise.png" );
702 }
704 ///
705 unittest
706 {
707     // http://blackedder.github.io/ggplotd/images/hist.png
708     import std.array : array;
709     import std.algorithm : map;
710     import std.range : iota, zip;
711     import std.random : uniform;
713     import ggplotd.aes : aes;
714     import ggplotd.geom : geomHist, geomPoint;
715     import ggplotd.range : mergeRange;
717     auto xs = iota(0,25,1).map!((x) => uniform(0.0,5)+uniform(0.0,5)).array;
718     auto gg = xs
719         .map!((a) => aes!("x")(a))
720         .geomHist
721         .putIn(GGPlotD());
723     gg = xs.map!((a) => aes!("x", "y")(a, 0.0))
724         .geomPoint
725         .putIn(gg);
727     gg.save( "hist.png" );
728 }
730 /// Setting background colour
731 unittest
732 {
733     /// http://blackedder.github.io/ggplotd/images/background.svg
734     import std.range : zip;
735     import std.algorithm : map;
736     import ggplotd.aes : aes;
737     import ggplotd.theme : background;
738     import ggplotd.geom : geomPoint;
740     // http://blackedder.github.io/ggplotd/images/polygon.png
741     auto gg = zip([1, 0, 0.0], [1, 1, 0.0], [1, 0.1, 0])
742         .map!((a) => aes!("x", "y", "colour")(a[0], a[1], a[2]))
743         .geomPoint
744         .putIn(GGPlotD());
745     gg.put(background(RGBA(0.7, 0.7, 0.7, 1)));
746     gg.save( "background.svg" );
747 }
749 /// Other data type
750 unittest
751 {
752     /// http://blackedder.github.io/ggplotd/images/data.png
753     import std.array : array;
754     import std.math : sqrt;
755     import std.algorithm : map;
756     import std.range : iota;
757     import std.random : uniform;
759     import ggplotd.geom : geomPoint;
761     struct Point { double x; double y; }
762     // Generate some noisy data with reducing width
763     auto f = (double x) { return x/(1+x); };
764     auto width = (double x) { return sqrt(0.1/(1+x)); };
765     immutable xs = iota( 0, 10, 0.1 ).array;
767     auto points = xs.map!((x) => Point(x,
768         f(x) + uniform(-width(x),width(x))));
770     auto gg = GGPlotD().put( geomPoint( points ) );
772     gg.save( "data.png" );
773 }
775 import std.range : ElementType;
777 /**
778 Put an element into a plot/facets struct
780 This basically reverses a call to put and allows one to write more idiomatic D code where code flows from left to right instead of right to left.
782 Examples:
783 --------------------
784 auto gg = data.aes.geomPoint.putIn(GGPlotD());
785 // instead of
786 auto gg = GGPlotD().put(geomPoint(aes(data)));
787 --------------------
788 */
789 ref auto putIn(T, U)(T t, U u)
790 {
791     return u.put(t);
792 }
794 /**
795 Plot multiple (sub) plots
796 */
797 struct Facets
798 {
799     ///
800     ref Facets put(GGPlotD facet) return
801     {
802         ggs.put( facet );
803         return this;
804     }
806     ///
807     auto drawToSurface( ref cairo.Surface surface, int dimX, int dimY,
808             int width, int height ) const
809     {
810         import std.conv : to;
811         import std.math : floor;
812         import std.range : save, empty, front, popFront;
813         import cairo.cairo : Rectangle;
814         int w = floor( width.to!double/dimX ).to!int;
815         int h = floor( height.to!double/dimY ).to!int;
817         auto gs = ggs.data.save;
818         foreach( i; 0..dimX )
819         {
820             foreach( j; 0..dimY )
821             {
822                 if (!gs.empty)
823                 {
824                     auto rect = Rectangle!double( w*i, h*j, w, h );
825                     auto subS = cairo.Surface.createForRectangle( surface, rect );
826                     gs.front.drawToSurface( subS, w, h ),
827                     gs.popFront;
828                 }
829             }
830         }
832         return surface;
833     }
835     ///
836     auto drawToSurface( ref cairo.Surface surface,
837             int width, int height ) const
838     {
839         import std.conv : to;
840         // Calculate dimX/dimY from width/height
841         auto grid = gridLayout( ggs.data.length, width.to!double/height );
842         return drawToSurface( surface, grid[0], grid[1], width, height );
843     }
846     ///
847     void save( string fname, int dimX, int dimY, int width = 470, int height = 470 ) const
848     {
849         bool pngWrite = false;
850         auto surface = createEmptySurface( fname, width, height,
851             RGBA(1,1,1,1) );
853         surface = drawToSurface( surface, dimX, dimY, width, height );
855         if (fname[$ - 3 .. $] == "png")
856         {
857             pngWrite = true;
858         }
860         if (pngWrite)
861             (cast(cairo.ImageSurface)(surface)).writeToPNG(fname);
862     }
864     ///
865     void save( string fname, int width = 470, int height = 470 ) const
866     {
867         import std.conv : to;
868         // Calculate dimX/dimY from width/height
869         auto grid = gridLayout( ggs.data.length, width.to!double/height );
870         save( fname, grid[0], grid[1], width, height );
871     }
873     import std.range : Appender;
875     Appender!(GGPlotD[]) ggs;
876  }
878 auto gridLayout( size_t length, double ratio )
879 {
880     import std.conv : to;
881     import std.math : ceil, sqrt;
882     import std.typecons : Tuple;
883     auto h = ceil( sqrt(length/ratio) );
884     auto w = ceil(length/h);
885     return Tuple!(int, int)( w.to!int, h.to!int );
886 }
888 unittest
889 {
890     import std.typecons : Tuple;
891     assertEqual(gridLayout(4, 1), Tuple!(int, int)(2, 2));
892     assertEqual(gridLayout(2, 1), Tuple!(int, int)(1, 2));
893     assertEqual(gridLayout(3, 1), Tuple!(int, int)(2, 2));
894     assertEqual(gridLayout(2, 2), Tuple!(int, int)(2, 1));
895 }
897 ///
898 unittest
899 {
900     // Drawing different shapes
901     import ggplotd.aes : aes, Pixel;
902     import ggplotd.axes : xaxisRange, yaxisRange;
903     import ggplotd.geom : geomDiamond, geomRectangle;
905     auto gg = GGPlotD();
907     auto aes1 = [aes!("x", "y", "width", "height")(1.0, -1.0, 3.0, 5.0)];
908     gg.put( geomDiamond( aes1 ) );
909     gg.put( geomRectangle( aes1 ) );
910     gg.put( xaxisRange( -5, 11.0 ) );
911     gg.put( yaxisRange( -9, 9.0 ) );
914     auto aes2 = [aes!("x", "y", "width", "height")(8.0, 5.0, Pixel(10), Pixel(20))];
915     gg.put( geomDiamond( aes2 ) );
916     gg.put( geomRectangle( aes2 ) );
918     auto aes3 = [aes!("x", "y", "width", "height")(6.0, -5.0, Pixel(25), Pixel(25))];
919     gg.put( geomDiamond( aes3 ) );
920     gg.put( geomRectangle( aes3 ) );
922     gg.save( "shapes1.png", 300, 300 );
923 }
925 ///
926 unittest
927 {
928     // Drawing different shapes
929     import ggplotd.aes : aes, Pixel;
930     import ggplotd.axes : xaxisRange, yaxisRange;
932     import ggplotd.geom : geomEllipse, geomTriangle;
934     auto gg = GGPlotD();
936     auto aes1 = [aes!("x", "y", "width", "height")( 1.0, -1.0, 3.0, 5.0 )];
937     gg.put( geomEllipse( aes1 ) );
938     gg.put( geomTriangle( aes1 ) );
939     gg.put( xaxisRange( -5, 11.0 ) );
940     gg.put( yaxisRange( -9, 9.0 ) );
943     auto aes2 = [aes!("x", "y", "width", "height")(8.0, 5.0, Pixel(10), Pixel(20))];
944     gg.put( geomEllipse( aes2 ) );
945     gg.put( geomTriangle( aes2 ) );
947     auto aes3 = [aes!("x", "y", "width", "height")( 6.0, -5.0, Pixel(25), Pixel(25))];
948     gg.put( geomEllipse( aes3 ) );
949     gg.put( geomTriangle( aes3 ) );
951     gg.save( "shapes2.png", 300, 300 );
952 }
954 unittest
955 {
956     import std.typecons;
958     void testTwoClassPlot(Tuple!(int, string)[] data, string fileName, string titleName) {
959         import ggplotd.aes : aes;
960         import ggplotd.geom;
961         import ggplotd.ggplotd : putIn, GGPlotD, title, Margins;
962         import ggplotd.legend: discreteLegend;
963         import std.algorithm: map;
964         auto gg = data
965             .map!(a => aes!("x", "colour", "fill")(a[0], a[1], 0.45))
966             .geomHist
967             .putIn(GGPlotD().put(title(titleName)));
968         gg.put(discreteLegend);
969         gg.save(fileName~".svg");
970     }
972     import std.array;
973     import std.range : chain, zip, repeat;
974     import std.random : uniform;
975     import std.range : generate, take;
976     auto class1 = generate!(() => uniform(0, 20)).take(1000).array;
977     auto class2 = generate!(() => uniform(0, 20)).take(1000).array;
978     auto class12 = class1.chain(class2);
979     auto class12Labels = "A".repeat(class1.length).chain("B".repeat(class2.length));
980     auto plotData = class12.zip(class12Labels).array;
981     testTwoClassPlot(plotData, "issue_63", "Fake data");
982 }